Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So Many Blogs So Little Time

My current problem is an obsession with blogs. This requires sitting in front of the computer A LOT and not sitting at my art desk. I am getting incredibly inspired by all of the work that I am seeing and my head is filling with ideas. My notebook is slowly filling with sketches and doodles, but they are not leading to fruition. For those of you looking for some eye candy, here are a few blogs to check out. 
Sewing (this will have to be a whole other post about my new obsession with the idea of sewing)

Orange You Lucky

My first day of not working I went to Savers to look at the junk and walked away with a wooden knick knack holder for $1.99. It has been sitting waiting for me to decide what to do with it for 2 weeks. I thought I had the solution last Thursday after attending Rex Ray's gallery opening with a friend. I was going to make little Rex Ray inspired collages in each box. 
The problem was once I started, I realized it is really hard to make these collage in a 2 x 2 square. They had to be very simple. The other challenge was that Rex Ray's work is so unique, almost anything I tried looked like his work. I am all about being inspired by other artist and "borrowing" their technique and incorporating it into my own work. But this look like copying and crap. I abandoned my collages and decided to do some organizing instead. 

Today on a trip to the art store, browsing through Eco Jot notebooks, I came across a notebook that gave me an idea. I could fill each little box with a doodle/drawing that I created. It would be whimsical and bright and springy. Because really in the back of my head I had sale-ability in mind. At the end of the day I am trying to create art that will sell-eventually. 

Although, I suppose that could be my problem. I am too focused on creating for someone rather than just myself. I keep telling myself I need to get back into art journaling. That way I can just get stuff out. And really that is part of the process that I have been skipping. I need to schedule in art the way I schedule the gym. Being physically healthy is just as important to me as being art healthy. It is time I start doing something about that. 

these are pages from 2006's journal

Another thing I realized at the art store today is that I am always fantasying about new art supplies to buy and sometimes indulging-as I thought about today. But realizing that I have no money and more importantly, that don't use half the stuff I have, put a stop to any purchases. I must begin to create on a more consistent level and than I can think about buying water color crayons, glues, masking type and paint extender. Yes, I am a simple girl, I long for masking tape and glue. 

So my goal today is to keep some good doodling in and see if I can't create a journal page. Because let me tell you finding the journal is not a problem. If it's made of paper I can't help but keep it. I have an art school catalog that I have been holding onto when I started a new art journal. Perhaps today will be the day. I also have some nice paper sample books that I have thought of using as well.

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