Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bicycle Adventures

I would like to preface this entry with an explanation for why I am posting in the middle of the day in the middle of the week. I have now become one of the 11.6 million unemployed in the US. In addition to the exhaustive job search, I have decided to use this time to push myself in my art career. That includes posting to my blog more often, creating more artwork and expanding Lexisworks. I would also like to think about what I really want to be doing. There were many reasons why my last job wasn't right for me. So I have seen being laid off as a blessing in disguise.

So it's 70 degrees in Denver today and I was super excited to ride my bike to the grocery store. I was a little nervous about my first real adventure on my bike. I had tried to go for a ride this weekend, and didn't even make it out of the parking lot before the chain/gear popped out of place and I was left stationary. 

The boyfriend fixed the bike last night, made me test it in the parking lot, switching all the gears to make sure it worked properly. I switched up to the 3rd and final gear with no problems. I stopped and then the boyfriend hopped on for a try. Pop! Same problem. So we figured, you just couldn't start the bike in 3rd gear because it was too much pressure for the 1970's bike. Bear fixed the problem again so I'd be all ready to ride today.

I got my green grocery bags ready in my basket and my backpack ready. I had my bike outfit on-a cute child skort I picked up at the thrift store last spring, a comfy gray t-shirt and my crocheted hat from London. I maneuvered my bike through the hall and down the gross elevator, stopped at my car for my sunglasses, and I was off. I made it up the slight incline 3 blocks and stopped at the light. I went to start up again, standing up to get some leverage since I was on a hill and pop! My chain or something popped out of place again, which shoves my wheel against my fender and makes the bike un-rideable. So it's not that I can't start the bike in 3rd, it's that I can't start the bike standing up. Disappointed, and slightly embarrassed, I had to walk the bike the 3 blocks home. 

I am now back at home, inside, sitting at the computer again. I might have to settle for a walk around the neighborhood to enjoy the beautiful weather.

In other news, I have almost finished with another piece of art. I would really like to try a wax method, where you paint beeswax on the entire surface of the piece. It will hold it all together and gives it a translucent look. I was not happy with the price at Michael's, so a stop at Hobby Lobby is in order. I struggled with the final touches. I had the lettering done, but just didn't know what to do with the space on the bottom. More birds, I thought? And then I remember the leaves my mom had found and pressed for my last fall on her visit to Denver. The yellow picked up on the yellow eyelets in the corner and the purple picked up the top and bottom scalloped edging. I had toyed with buttons to the fill the space but wasn't happy with the look. But on a phone call with the BFF, I started playing with the buttons again and thought they worked on the scalloped edge for a nice finishing touch. Nothing is gluded down yet, I want to decide about the wax effect first.

Another music suggestion for those of you still able to stimulate the economy and want to help a good cause check out Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur. Also available on itunes. This album features remakes of John Lennon's music by some of my favorite musicians: Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, The Blackeyed Peas, Snow Patrol, etc.

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