Saturday, February 28, 2009

Super Saturday

I am getting 1 day ahead of myself and making my weekly post on Saturday instead of Sunday. AND I actually have some progress to report!

This piece is actually the result of canvases gone bad that I had worked on previously. Trying to stick with the indian theme from before, I tried to make a 2nd piece. This failed. I painted over it and that failed. So I peeled what I could off and let it sit. Today, inspired by a quote a friend liked, I turned a failure into a piece of art. I am going to give the canvas to my friend.
If you can't read the text it says
write the questions
live the answers

I also managed to start a diptych piece that I've had on my mind for awhile. Go me! I didn't even use the "I'm moving in a month" excuse this time. Although I feel I will be prone to use it for much of March.

Also today, feeling rather blah about life, I decided to dye my hair. After years of high school and college hair dying, I had finally grown out all of the dye in my hair and was a "hair dye virgin," as my hair stylist put it. Inspired by too much TLC and a desire for change, the thought popped into my head. So after the gym this morning I made a trip to target and the hair care isle. I decided on dark, since my hair never holds dark dye for long (so I shouldn't have the grown out root problem.)

I am happy with the medium ash brown hair color that resulted. Just hoping the boyfriend notices since he didn't notice my hair cut 2 weeks ago. Although in his defense, neither did I.

Music you should check out:
Sun Volt "Medication"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just a Little

Again, I have not been very productive. I did however create my February page.

Today I covered a box to use as a display for my cards. I am hoping to have my cards on sale at a friend's studio space during First Friday-March 6th. The hope part is really me getting my stuff together. I have cards packaged, so there really isn't a whole lot of work left. Just a few, probably hand written signs, something for presentation. I need to cut out the design business cards that I made and print the lexisworks cards. If I was feeling really ambitious then I would create a new piece of art to showcase, but that is asking a lot considering my current state of un-motivation.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Excuses Excuses

So it looks like I'm going to moving at the end of the month. This means that I need to start thinking about packing. I am using this as an excuse not to create art since I probably don't want to be starting something new if I have to pack up soon. This of course is a bit absurd because I'm really just using this as an excuse. I'm been using a lot of things as excuses to create art. 

One of the main excuses I use is the gym. I pay for my gym membership, so I feel like I need to go. Which is not a bad thing, but I do use it as a reason not to create.
I'm also less motivated to create because I know that my work is not selling as quickly at the shop since the economy has changed. So I'm not having to replenish my art.
And of course there's just been an over all lack of motivation and a "why bother" attitude running through my head. Which I know I could help cure just by creating because that makes me feel better and accomplished. 
I also keep telling myself I'm going to work in my sketchbook more....

Reviewing my resolutions a month and a half later, I have not followed through so well on all of them.
• the gym has gone well
• the fruits and veggies is about the same as always
• I have not created my february page yet, but the month is not over
• I have tracked what little sales I have had
• mmmm and "create, create, create" has only been about create, January went better, must regain the momentum

To those of you looking for your inspiration and motivation, my all time favorite-since I was 17- is Sabrina Ward Harrison. May she bring you all the joy and reassurance that she has brought me.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Things I did this weekend:

•7:45am yoga
•banana pancakes
•phoned mom and bff
•1 nap
•bike ride to the library on new bike (picked up the book 1000 Artist Journals)
•a trip to the craft store for scrapbook glue-additional items bought: letter stickers, 2 scrapbook papers and 50 tea lights
•a trip to the fabric store-i forgot to measure the windows  so i was unable to buy black out fabric for curtains. but bought 1 seam ripper
•grocery shopped
• made zucchini pecan coconut bread-delicious!
•watched 4 episodes of gilmore girls
•completed 1 scrapbook page


•went in for my weight and measure appointment-lost 1.2% body fat in 1 month. .2% above my goal
•went to REI and bought a hiking shirt on sale
•met my step dad for breakfast at duo
•picked up prescription
•2 loads of landry-color and whites
•6 episodes of gilmore girls
•made potato soup
•made weekly blog post

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cheers to Last Week's Accomplishments

I don't really have anything new and exciting to share from the past week. But what I do have are two new and exciting things to share from the week before. Which really only goes to show how unproductive this week actually was.
I found an old cruiser bike at the Arc Thrift store for only $30! It's probably about 50 years old, but I love it. Now all I need is a basket and a lock and I'll be all set to cruise on down to the grocery store and gym.

Also, I created my very first official 12x12 scrapbook page.

My plan is to eventually create the full album of the trip my mom and took to Europe in 2007. At the rate I am going I will be lucky to have this finished by the end of 2009. I actually even bought a kit, hoping it would give me some of the tools and motivation to get started. I am started, but so far the 2nd page has not come as quick as the first page. The photos are laying on my desk on top of the scrapbook paper. 

Wish me better luck for the week to come on my creating, as well as my gym visitings. I was 1 visit shy of reaching my goal of 13 visits for the month of January. Which, is not so bad, but I really slacked off this last week. And today was spent taking 2 naps, a fact I really don't think can be blamed on skiing yesterday, but mostly my lack of motivation.